Tuesday, July 31, 2018

No more crutches!

This morning I went for my 6 week surgical follow up.  They took X-rays of my hip and the doctor met with me to deliver the good news.  He could see bone healing on the X-ray (sometimes you see nothing) and he stated that I am good to start walking without crutches and to resume all my other normal gym activities -- with the exception of running.  He wants me to wait 6 more weeks for that, but I can progress to jogging for short periods of time and I can start in the Alter G treadmill at my physical therapist's when I am ready.  I follow up with him again in 6 more weeks, and hopefully that will be my last orthopedic appointment for a long while!

I am happy and relieved by today's news.  I have been doing everything I can to support my rehab and I do believe it has helped.  The muscles in my hip are still sore when I walk without crutches and I know I occasionally limp, but I am confident that will continue to get better in time.  I'm sure part of it is psychological and me wanting to guard the area against injury.

I went to the gym this evening after my PT session.  I have definitely lost some of my cardiovascular fitness, but I know that will come back relatively quickly.  I was just happy to be back there and get a good workout in.  Now if I could just figure out a way to hook up Netflix to the TV's there...😉
The brighter white on the underside of the neck is the new bone growth

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Boston Marathon certificate

I came home from Mexico to find my Boston Marathon finishers certificate waiting for me in the mail.  I wasn't expecting it, so it was a nice surprise when I opened it Sunday afternoon.  It's hard to believe Boston was only a little over three months ago.  So much has happened even since then.  The certificate was a great reminder for me why I put myself through this -- why I enjoy running so many miles even though injuries can happen.  Boston was an epic experience, and I love the sport and all that I have accomplished so far.  Crossing the finish line of a marathon is a feeling like no other.  I know that there are many more big things in my future...
My finishers certificate -- I love the message on the bottom
The Racers Record Book accompanied the certificate -- a magazine recapping the race weekend and listing all the finishers.  I was pleasantly surprised to see my name listed on the Male Masters Teams.  Apparently I was first on my racing team (Fleet Feet Racing -- number 70 on the list).
Male Masters Teams
This past weekend was the Rock n Roll Chicago Half Marathon weekend.  Before the injury, I had planned to run this race and was a little bummed seeing the pictures of people out there Sunday morning (the fact that it was raining did make me feel a little better that I missed it).  However, I got the PR and NYC qualifying time that I wanted at the Chicago Spring Half back in May.  Ultimately, this was one race and there will be many more -- especially living in Chicago. 

I still don't know what my next race will be or even when I will start to run again.  I go back to the surgeon next Tuesday and will hopefully take the next step in my recovery -- just getting off crutches.  This recovery has been very different than my last one, so I'll be interested to hear how he thinks I am healing and what his timeline for me is. 

Thursday, July 19, 2018


After our Europe trip was canceled at the last minute due to my injury and subsequent surgery, we decided that we would take a trip to Cancun this week.  It has been a wonderful week so far and traveling on crutches has presented no hardships -- in fact it has been beneficial a few times!

At O'Hare on Monday, we were able to cut to the front of the TSA Precheck security line because of my crutches.  Considering how crazy busy the airport was Monday morning, we were very happy about this!  Once we arrived in Cancun, I was also ushered to the front of the customs line.  At our resort, everyone has been more than accommodating to me.  Workers offer to carry my plate at the buffet and rush over to open a door for me when I approach. 

Physically, I am feeling good.  Today is four weeks since the surgery.  I wish I could remember how I felt at this time last year.  I am optimistic that the bone is healing.  This trip is the first time I have been in the water since before the injury (I do miss the pool at the Beach Club!).  I feel good walking around in the water, swimming around the pool, and holding onto the side of the wall and kicking my legs.  I do think the muscles have weakened, but I am confident I will get the strength back once I am bearing full weight again.

Our resort has a nice gym with several bikes, so I have been able to continue riding the bike every day.  I don't think I have ever spent so much time on a bike as I have these past 4 weeks!
Another bike workout in the books!
Enjoying time back in the pool

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Missing the lake and a surprise get well

It has been four weeks since I went out for my last run at the lake and ended up limping home after just 3 miles.  Four weeks since I pulled out the crutches and started using them to get around and four weeks since I knew that my summer was about to take an unexpected detour.  

Today was the first that I have been back to the lakefront path.  It's a beautiful day, so we took Mike's mother there for a walk to see the water.  I'd be lying if I said that being there didn't remind me how much I miss running there.  I spent so many hours and logged so many miles there last summer and had such big plans for this summer.

When I look at the big picture, I still think that this happened at one of the best times.  I think it was a matter of "when" and not "if" this was going to happen, and I'm glad I got to do everything I did this past winter and spring -- Dopey, Boston, Broad Street, Chicago Spring Half.  I think that has helped me to maintain such a positive attitude this time around.  And the weeks are passing quickly -- I am more than halfway through the post-surgical 6 weeks on crutches.
Missing my lakefront long runs
We got home from our walk to find a surprise package waiting for me.  Piper sent me the perfect get well card and a homemade butterfly magnet.  It was the perfect pick me up and made my day!
Piper's get well package

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Stitches are out and my first week of injections

This morning, I had my 2 week follow up (technically it's been 12 days) with my surgeon's physician assistant to remove my stitches and take some X-rays.  The stitches have really been itching me the last several days.  The itching wakes me up in the middle of the night and prevents me from getting comfortable.  I was so relieved when he cut them out today.  The wound looks good, and once the stitches were out the itching went away.  I'm hoping I sleep better tonight. 

The X-rays look good so far.  At this point it is still to early to see any real healing from the stress fracture, but the pins are in the right spot.  It's weird for me to see the images of pins now in both of my hips.  But once this heals, both hips should be strong and I won't worry about this type of fracture again.

Today was also the end of my first week of injections with Forteo.  When I had the stress fracture and surgery last January, I requested a DEXA scan which led to a diagnosis of osteoporosis.  Working with my doctor, we never could find a cause for it, and so I started taking Fosamax (which prevents bone resorption).  I took it for almost 18 months, but after this injury, my doctors switched me to Forteo, an anabolic bone builder.  Instead of taking a pill once a week like Fosamax, I give myself daily injections.  The injections actually haven't been as bad as I envisioned.  The needles are very small and you really don't even feel it.  I'm hoping it will make a difference in my body and really build up my bones.

The drug company that makes this medication offers a lot of support to those taking it.  I had a training with a nurse educator last week, and today I received a starter kit in the mail.  It turned out to be a very nice Vera Bradley bag to store the medication in.  I guess when your insurance company is paying $3500 for a one month supply -- and you will be taking the drug for two years -- then the drug company can go out of its way to keep their customers happy.
A nice gift from Forteo