Sunday, September 16, 2018

Texas heat and running together

This morning was the first time I was able to run with Mike since the day the fracture occurred.  Since he has to be in Austin first thing Monday morning for work, we went from San Francisco to Texas for the weekend.  The plan was to go out for a run at some point this weekend and see how things went.  He isn't used to running with others, and I was interested in seeing if I would hold him back or if we actually did have a chance of running the marathon together (in just 3 weeks!). 

Since I haven't run outside all summer, the heat definitely affected me.  I know I slowed him down, but I think in cooler conditions it wouldn't feel as hard.  My hip feels a little off for the first couple steps when I start running, but then I don't really notice it.  We ran on a trail near our hotel which was ideal.  We completed over 9 miles -- my longest run since starting back.  He is planning to do his 20 miler next weekend, and I said I would accompany him for at least part of it.  The weather in Chicago will hopefully be more ideal for a long run like that.  After that, the focus (for both of us) is on staying healthy and recovering as much as possible until the marathon!

I didn't take any pictures today.  The trail really wasn't that picturesque.  We were both soaked with sweat and it was all I could do to pause my watch whenever we stopped for water. 


  1. Ahh! The good ol Texas Heat! This is even our cool time :)
    What’s the verdict? Are you going to run the marathon?

    1. As of now, that's still the plan! I know I can finish it -- just not expecting any amazing time this year.
