Friday, September 21, 2018

Three months and a new mantra

Today marks three months since my surgery.  It was on the first day of summer and tomorrow is the first day of autumn.  A lot has changed in a season.  I honestly wasn't sure where I would be at this point in time.  Certainly, the marathon wasn't a definite.  Looking back, even I am a little amazed at how this recovery process has gone and what I can now do.  I have moments where I stop and think how wonderful it is just to be able to walk.  Until you lose that ability, you don't realize how big a thing it really is.

I have been running outside most days and feel better and better each day.  I can notice a change even from the beginning of this week.  My pace hasn't really changed much, but the effort feels easier.  Initially I had muscular soreness in both hips, but that has significantly improved.  I can tell that my aerobic endurance is building and my legs are remembering what they need to do.  The marathon is 16 days away, and if I continue at this rate, I have no doubt that I will complete it without hurting myself.

The new trailer for next year's Captain Marvel came out earlier this week.  The tagline on the poster is "Higher Further Faster".  Something about that struck a chord with me, so I am adopting and adapting that as my mantra for the marathon and my running in general right now...

Stronger.  Further.  Faster.

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