Saturday, July 14, 2018

Missing the lake and a surprise get well

It has been four weeks since I went out for my last run at the lake and ended up limping home after just 3 miles.  Four weeks since I pulled out the crutches and started using them to get around and four weeks since I knew that my summer was about to take an unexpected detour.  

Today was the first that I have been back to the lakefront path.  It's a beautiful day, so we took Mike's mother there for a walk to see the water.  I'd be lying if I said that being there didn't remind me how much I miss running there.  I spent so many hours and logged so many miles there last summer and had such big plans for this summer.

When I look at the big picture, I still think that this happened at one of the best times.  I think it was a matter of "when" and not "if" this was going to happen, and I'm glad I got to do everything I did this past winter and spring -- Dopey, Boston, Broad Street, Chicago Spring Half.  I think that has helped me to maintain such a positive attitude this time around.  And the weeks are passing quickly -- I am more than halfway through the post-surgical 6 weeks on crutches.
Missing my lakefront long runs
We got home from our walk to find a surprise package waiting for me.  Piper sent me the perfect get well card and a homemade butterfly magnet.  It was the perfect pick me up and made my day!
Piper's get well package


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. What a gorgeous view! Much better than Town Lake - i'm sure the weather is a bit better there too :)
    Piper's package is too thoughtful and perfect.
