Tuesday, July 31, 2018

No more crutches!

This morning I went for my 6 week surgical follow up.  They took X-rays of my hip and the doctor met with me to deliver the good news.  He could see bone healing on the X-ray (sometimes you see nothing) and he stated that I am good to start walking without crutches and to resume all my other normal gym activities -- with the exception of running.  He wants me to wait 6 more weeks for that, but I can progress to jogging for short periods of time and I can start in the Alter G treadmill at my physical therapist's when I am ready.  I follow up with him again in 6 more weeks, and hopefully that will be my last orthopedic appointment for a long while!

I am happy and relieved by today's news.  I have been doing everything I can to support my rehab and I do believe it has helped.  The muscles in my hip are still sore when I walk without crutches and I know I occasionally limp, but I am confident that will continue to get better in time.  I'm sure part of it is psychological and me wanting to guard the area against injury.

I went to the gym this evening after my PT session.  I have definitely lost some of my cardiovascular fitness, but I know that will come back relatively quickly.  I was just happy to be back there and get a good workout in.  Now if I could just figure out a way to hook up Netflix to the TV's there...😉
The brighter white on the underside of the neck is the new bone growth